Present Me!


My favorite thing to do in my free time is to head over to the motocross track and train/ride. I have won a couple of championships and am leading the current championship. I am planning on going to loretta lynns amature national to compete to win one of the biggest races in the world. I ride a 2022 KTM sx 125cc and plan on racing that for the remainder of the year and the next year.

Favorite Food

Another fun fact about me is that I love food and not just the eating part but I love cooking to. I like cooking cakes/pastries, pastas, chicken, pig, but my all time favorite is burgers and fries. My favorite food on the other hand is pasta, expecially spaghetti.


My Hobbies vary but what I like to do is play around with RC cars. I like to build them, race, and upgrade them. Another hobbie of mine is fishing if I have a little more freetime outsied of school and sports I love to go to swan falls or lucky peak and even the boise river to go fish.